The Lie of the “Pro-Life” Narrative.

Writer X
5 min readOct 29, 2020

With the election only a handful of days away, it is safe to say that most people in the country have made up their mind on who they are going to vote for, even the ones who were undecided this whole race. A vast majority of those who are voting for Trump are claiming to vote for him for the sole reason that he is the “most pro-life president we have ever had.” Simply stated, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

I can see why Trump’s supporters think he is “pro-life.” He is constantly attacking Planned Parenthood and even brought a woman to speak at the RNC who used to perform abortions and said it was “murder.” This whole narrative is one thing: it is anti-abortion. I am not saying that is wrong to be anti-abortion, whether it be on the basis of religion or some other ideology. But to simply say that you are voting for him because you are pro-life is false and a lie. This president may be the furthest thing from being pro-life, but his supporters use the “he is pro-life” excuse to justify his (and their) racism, bigotry, and hatred for people that don’t look like them or pray like them.

Miles Taylor, the “Anonymous” author that wrote an Op-ed in the New York Times just over 2 years ago did an interview on CNN where he revealed his identity. Along with that, he mentioned all the horrific things that Trump wanted to do from within the Oval office. Among the many awful things that Taylor described, 2 of them stood out to me specifically. First, Trump gave the green light to family separation. He knew what that policy would entail, was advised not to do it by the Department of Homeland Security, and knew the damage that would happen to the children and the parents. He didn’t care. Second, he suggest gassing and shooting people at the border. Does the gassing part sound familiar (*cough* Hitler *cough*)?

Before I discuss those points even further, I just want to point out that borders are just that… borders. 10 miles north and south of border can be like 2 different worlds and realities. And it is. The people who are crossing the Southern border to get into the United States are doing so for a better life for themselves and their CHILDREN. They would not willingly put the lives of children at stake if they didn’t ABSOLUTELY need to. Paperwork is not the first thing on someone’s mind when they are fleeing murder and a town taken over by gangs. When they are fleeing from poverty and a corrupt government. My parents came from a small city to America, and that city is one of the most impoverished areas in the world. If their borders were not blocked by a military occupation, the people would be RUNNING out to give themselves and their whole family a better life. Sometimes people have no choice but to do that.

Trump suggested gassing the people there and shooting them (mostly women and children) in their legs to slow them down. What kind of person says that? What president says that? What, alleged, person of faith says that? Many Christians love Trump for being a Christian, but he is not. The way he acts and the way he speaks… those are not Christian ideals. WWJD? What would Jesus do? Definitely help those in need and treat women and children with respect, which this president does not do. This man has distorted religious ideals and brainwashed his supporters, and they go along with it.

So, what does all that have to do with the “pro-life” movement being a lie? If a person was truly pro-life, they would not be okay with the way Trump treats people. From his sexual assault allegations to putting young kids in cages at the border. Suggesting to gas people and spreading hate does not align with being “pro-life.” If a person was truly pro-life, they would care about the growing rate of homelessness among the youth, the opioid crisis that is hurting so much of the population, and about the babies that are being born already addicted to heroin and other drugs. Some people are not fit to be parents and some do not have the ability to be parents, and that is okay.

I’m challenging those who want to vote for Trump to think again. Listen, Biden wasn’t my first choice, or my second, or even my third. But, he’s what we got and now we have to deal with it. We call out what we dislike in his policies (unlike Trump supporters who just take everything he says at face value and defend it) and hope that he can be better. If your whole thing is contingent on the abortion issue.. well, in case you haven’t noticed, Roe v. Wade is still a thing and the president has NO control over that. He cannot just repeal it and make abortion illegal. Abortion is still a thing under his presidency.

No, us “pro-choice” people are not chanting for abortion to happen on a regular basis and we are not advocating for “murder.” Instead, we want each woman to have the choice to do what she wants with HER body. It is her choice, and no other person’s choice. No, we do not advocate for third-term abortion (which is not even 1% of all abortion cases), and neither does Biden. And a major BTW: when a woman has to have a third-term abortion, it is usually, almost always, under the circumstances of life or death. A women does not carry a baby almost to full term to just deicde to end that pregnancy. By that time, she will probably already have a name decided and bought all the necessities to take care of the baby. Having to end a pregnancy that late is not a decision she will be making lightly, and that decision won’t be made any easier because the government will be deciding what she can do. Also, what happened to the idea of small government? Isn’t that a Republican ideology? C’mon people, choose a side and don’t be a hypocrite.

I’m calling it like it is, the pro-life narrative is bullshit. It is a sham and those people who claim to be “pro-life” just want to impose their religious beliefs on others and control what women can and cannot do with their bodies. If a person is claiming to be pro-life, then they BETTER be speaking up against all those things that I mentioned earlier. And if someone is voting for Trump just because he is “pro-life,” think again. I hate to break it to you, but that man is probably the least “pro-life” president this country has seen.



Writer X

Just a person fed up with Republican hypocrisy.